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Who do the witches plan to meet?

Who do the witches plan to meet?

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Q. Who do the witches plan to meet?

English 12 – Macbeth

Whom do the witches plan to meet again and where?Macbeth; upon the heath (desolate field)
What animals accompany the witches?cat and toad
How is a major theme expressed by the witches in the first scene? What does it mean?Fair is foul, and foul is fair; paradox

Q. When and whom do the witches plan to meet next?

Macbeth Act One -Comprehension Check

When, where and with whom do the witches plan to meet next?The Witches plan to meet Macbeth on the heath and prophesize his fate. Their intentions are to cause harm.when- after the battlewhere- on a heath in the fieldwith- macbeth
Why is Macbeth confused by the witches’ prophecies?

Q. Who will the witches meet in Macbeth?


Q. Who do the witches plan to meet in Act 1 Scene 1?


Q. Why do Malcolm and Donalbain flee after their fathers death?

Concerning Shakespeare’s Macbeth, Malcolm and Donalbain flee after their father’s assassination because they fear for their lives. As Donalbain tells his brother: “Where we are / There’s daggers in men’s smiles” (Act 2.3. 140-41).

Q. What is Macbeth’s emotional state immediately after he kills Duncan?

Macbeth test

Why does Macbeth become Thane of Cawdor?Duncan rewards him for bravery and loyalty.
Birnam Wood comes to Dunsinane whenthe camouflaged soldiers make their advance.
Macbeth’s emotional state immediately after he kills Duncan (Act II, scene ii, lines 20-51) may best be described asguilt-ridden

Q. Why is Hecate angry at the other witches?

Why is Hecate angry with the witches? She feels they gave an unworthy man a prophecy, and they did not consult her. It is part of Macbeth’s conscience or the ghost is real and reflects the elements of witchcraft and evil in the play..

Q. Who does Macbeth say he killed in fury Why did he really kill them?

He claims it was in his grief he committed the murder to avenge Duncan’s death. The true reason he killed the guards is that when he went to approach Duncan, one of the guards yelled “Murder!” in his sleep and caused both guards to awaken. He kills them to cover his tracks, as witnesses were not an option.

Q. What does Macbeth confess to Macduff What does he give as the reason he did it?

What does Macbeth confess to Macduff? What does he give as the reason he did it? He confesses that he killed the king’s men because he saw evidence that they had killed the king.

Q. What happened to spook Macbeth while he waited to kill Duncan?

What happened to spook Macbeth while he waited to kill Duncan? The guards woke up, yelled “murder!” and went back to sleep. He thinks he hears a voice say “sleep no more, Macbeth does murder sleep”.

Q. What does Macbeth admit to doing?

What does Macbeth admit to doing? Why has he done it? He admits to killing the chamberlains because he was so angry.

Q. What does Macbeth then think he hears?

Macbeth thinks he hears a voice say “sleep no more, Macbeth does murder sleep”. He probably “hears” this in head because of his guilty conscience for he just murdered King Duncan.

Q. What did Macbeth forget to do to complete the setup?

What does Macbeth forget to do after he murders the king? He forgets to plant the daggers (murder weapons) on the guards and smear the blood on their clothing to make it look like they were responsible for the murder.

Q. What does Macbeth say is a sorry sight?

Macbeth knows how to pack a punch. In just one word (“sorry”), he conveys pain, distress, sorrow, regret, remorse, and pity. Clearly, he’s saying a bunch of different things at the same time, so let’s break them down: He’s sorry for killing Duncan.

Q. What does Macbeth see before he murders Duncan?

What vision does Macbeth have before he kills Duncan? He sees a floating head urging him to spill blood. He sees a bloody axe lodged in Duncan’s brow. He sees a floating dagger pointing him to Duncan’s chamber.

Q. Who is king at the end of the play?


Q. Where will King Duncan be buried?

Isle of Iona

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Who do the witches plan to meet?.
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