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Who is called to backup Johns testimony?

Who is called to backup Johns testimony?

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Q. Who is called to backup Johns testimony?

The crucible act 3

What is the setting of act 3Court
Who is called to back up John’s testimony? What happens?Elizabeth – she lies to protect her husband
What happens when Reverend Hale states that Abigail has always seemed false to him?Abigail starts throwing another fit

Q. What deal does Danforth make with John Proctor?

What deal does Danforth try to make with Proctor? Elizabeth is pregnant. Danforth says he will let Elizabeth live at least until the child is born if John will drop the charges. John refuses to do this.

Q. What do the girls do to Mary what is her response?

What do the girls do to Mary? What is her response? They pretend that her spirit is coming to get them, that she is herself doing some bewitching. Mary tells them to stop it, but when they don’t, she ends up breaking down and joining them (for her own protection).

Q. Why is the crucible a paradox?

A paradox is something that appears to be one way but is the opposite way. In the play The Crucible Arthur Miller presents the audience with a paradox in so much as the character of Reverend Hale, who lives, is presented as being more tragic than the character of John Proctor, who dies.

Q. Why does Miller call Salem life a paradox?

Hover for more information. Miller’s paradox of Salem takes two forms. The literal meaning is that the girls in the opening of the play, Act I, are actually engaging in witchcraft. In this act, the paradox emerges in that girls who were behaving like witches start to accuse others of it.

Q. Why do we need paradigms?

Like learning in general, paradigms help in the study of physical science by helping us to organize information and understand our world. Our paradigms also affect the way we design, record, and interpret our experiments and observations, as scientists and as humans.

Q. What are the three types of paradigms?

The three most common paradigms are positivism, constructivism or interpretivism and pragmatism. Each of these can be categorised further by examining their: ontology, epistemology and methodology.

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Who is called to backup Johns testimony?.
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