Who is the fastest typist in history?

Who is the fastest typist in history?

HomeArticles, FAQWho is the fastest typist in history?

Stella Pajunas-Garnand

Q. What is the fastest WPM ever typed?

212 words per minute

Q. Is it possible to type 300 wpm?

In very short bursts yes. When typing a small sentence people like Kukkain can get over 300 wpm however holding it for a significant amount of time … The longest that has been held for 50 minutes is 174 wpm so 200 might be possible however 300 would most likely require the our actual finger structure to be different.

Q. Is it possible to type 160 wpm?

The fastest typists in the world, with speeds ranging from 160 WPM – words per minute – to over 300, don’t “need” to type so fast that no one can hear over the sound of their clattering keyboards. The average typing speed is about 41 WPM, with an accuracy rate of 92%.

Q. What is the average wpm for a 13 year old?

The average typing speed is around 40 words per minute (WPM) or around 190-200 characters per minute. To give you an idea of how fast that is, consider this: a typical 13-year-old types at around 23 WPM while experienced secretaries average at 74 WPM.

Q. Is 120 wpm good for a 14 year old?

The average person doesn’t really get much faster with age, 120 wpm is good for all ages. In fact there are people at your age that type 240 WPM and there are people at age 30 that type 220 WPM, so being younger could actually yield you a higher WPM.

Q. Is 120 wpm good for a 13 year old?

Some old people can’t type fast, and some young people can type very fast. It’s about practice and determination to keep going. On a good day, as a 13 year old, probably about 120–130 WPM.

Q. Is 60 wpm fast for a 14 year old?

What is a good typing speed for a teenager? 13–14 years old has an average speed of 40–45 wpm. Some would reach 60 wpm. While those that are just starting to learn to touch type at this age is still at 30–35wpm.

Q. Is 120 wpm good for a 12 year old?

Yes, 130 is wonderful. The average typing speed is 40 WPM! So you are doing superb.

Q. What is the average wpm for a 17 year old?

Final Target

Beginner (6 to 11 years)Beginner (12 to 16 years)Beginner (17 years and over)
15 wpm30 wpm45 wpm
75 cpm150 cpm225 cpm
80% accuracy85% accuracy90% accuracy

Q. Is 80 wpm good for a kid?

80 wpm is VERY GOOD at any age! I learned to type at age 11 and found in college that I could type almost as fast as someone could talk.

Q. Is 80 wpm good for a 12 year old?

I have gotten my muscle memory better than usual, and I can average 100 WPMs to this day. However, 12-year-olds usually type from 30–50. So if you’re in between that you’re okay.

Q. How fast is 120 wpm?

Typing 120 WPM is very fast and good. Standard typing speed is 35 to 40 WPM. Above 40 is set to speed average, good, excellent and fast and 120 WPM is very fast. You do not need to more fast is it enough.

Q. Who is the fastest 12 year old typer?

Abhishek Jain: The fastest, youngest junior typist in the world.

Q. Is 100 wpm good for a 13-year-old?

Q. Is 50 wpm good for a 13-year-old?

To give you an idea of how fast that is, consider this: a typical 13-year-old types at around 23 WPM while experienced secretaries average at 74 WPM. Typing at an above average speed of 50-60 WPM is a good enough goal and is not difficult to achieve.

Q. Is 60 wpm for a 12 year old good?

Is 60 wpm good for a 12 year old? I would say the average is about 30 or 40 for 9-year-olds and about 60 WPM for middle school students and over. Students should be able to type faster than they can write their assignments.

Q. Is 70 wpm good for a 16 year old?

A typing speed of 70 WPM is awesome regardless of how old you are. A typing speed of 70 WPM is awesome regardless of how old you are. Today more than ever, children are growing up knowing how to use keyboards-based devices to play and interact.

Q. What is the average reading wpm for a 12 year old?

The National Assessment of Educational Progress (1972) reported that 17-year-olds (about Grade 12) averaged about 190 words per minute. If students in Grades 12-16 read 190-300 wpm, on the average, how can 300 wpm be suggested as the minimum rate for a student reading a basal in Grade 7?

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Who is the fastest typist in history?.
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