Who is the head of mission for UNISFA?

Who is the head of mission for UNISFA?

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Q. Who is the head of mission for UNISFA?

UNISFA’s Acting Head of Mission and Force Commander, Major General Mehari Gebremariam, presents the key of a Toyota Landcruiser to the new Juba Appointed Chief Administrator. The gift of the vehicle is part of the Mission’s overall s

Q. Who was the commander of the MONUSCO force?

On 24 February 2000 with the resolution 1291, the U.N. Security Council authorized the deployment of a maximum of 5537 military personnel in the DRC, including 500 military observers. On 4 April 2000 the Senegalese Major General Mountago Diallo was appointed as the commander of MONUSCO’s military force.

Q. Who is the chief of UNISFA for Abyei?

Gen. Gebremikael Beyene who took over as Chief of the Joint Border Verification and Monitoring Mechanism (JBVMM) of the United Nations Interim Security Force for Abyei (UNISFA) arrived in Abyei on 11 June 2019 to conduct a week-long familiarisation visit.

Q. Who is the largest contributor to UNISFA?

UNISFA was approved on 27 June 2011 by the United Nations Security Council in United Nations Security Council Resolution 1990 after a flareup in the South Kordofan conflict earlier in June 2011. The Ethiopian Army is the largest contributor of personnel, and as of 2018, the only contributor of individual troops.

Q. Who is the commander of the UN force in Abyei?

Since April 2018, the Force Commander has been Major General Gebre Adhana Woldezgu. As of 31 May 2018, the total number of personnel in the mission is 4,571, all but a little over 100 of whom are Ethiopian. ^ BBC News – Sudan: UN authorises peacekeepers for Abyei.

Q. Who is the head of the UN Security Force?

Since 28 January 2015, the Head of Mission has been Haile Tilahun Gebremariam. Since April 2018, the Force Commander has been Major General Gebre Adhana Woldezgu. As of 31 May 2018, the total number of personnel in the mission is 4,571, all but a little over 100 of whom are Ethiopian.

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Who is the head of mission for UNISFA?.
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