Who was Lisbeth and what did she reveal to Travis?

Who was Lisbeth and what did she reveal to Travis?

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Lisbeth was Bud Searcy’s granddaughter. She reveals to Travis that Old Yeller has been stealing ribs and eggs. More importantly she tells Travis that Old Yeller is the ‘Papa’ of Miss Prissy’s pups. 10.

Q. Why did they shoot Old Yeller?

During the fight, Old Yeller is bitten and injured by the wolf. Because of Old Yeller’s exposure to rabies and the fact that he is now a threat to the family as a result, the older son is forced to shoot and kill Old Yeller.

Q. Did they really shoot the dog in Old Yeller?

The dog in the story of Old Yeller was killed because it contracted rabies and there was no way to save it. The actual dog that was in the movie was a trained actor. That dog was fine, it never got rabies and it was not shot.

Q. Why did Travis leave Old Yeller behind?

Why did Travis decide to leave Old Yeller behind? He wanted to get his mother because she always knew what to do when someone was hurt. Why does Travis insist on going back to Old Yeller? He had promised Old Yeller he would return and also he felt indebted to the dog for saving his life.

Q. What do Travis and Mama think is wrong with spot at first?

At first, what do Travis and Mama think is wrong with spot? They think that Spot has eaten too much pea vine. Why does Travis have to shoot the bull? Travis had to shoot the bull becuase he had hydrophobia and was acting crazy.

Q. What emotions does Travis feel after he throws little Arliss to Mama?

Travis feels fear after he throws Little Arliss to Mama in Old Yeller. A huge bear has just come out of the forest to attack Travis’s younger brother, who’s been playing with the bear’s cub.

Q. Why did Little Arliss throw rocks at Travis?

Sometime later, Arliss and Old Yeller are playing in the field when Travis shows up and asks Arliss to bring Old Yeller to the house. When Arliss sees Old Yeller’s owner, Burn Sanderson, taking him away he begins to throws rocks at him in anger causing his horse to rear and throw him off.

Q. How does Travis try and get Old Yeller to get in trouble?

What does Travis do to try trick Old Yeller into getting into trouble? He hung up the dear meat in the same spot so Old Yeller would steal it.

Q. Why does Old Yeller begin sleeping in the boy’s bedroom?

Terms in this set (17) Why does Old Yeller begin sleeping in the boys’ bedroom? Sanderson saw how much the family wanted him (Old Yeller).

Q. Why did Travis nearly die at the end of Chapter 7?

Why did Travis nearly die at the end of the chapter? He was bit by a snake. He meet a man that said Old Yeller was his dog.

Q. What does Travis do to keep Old Yeller from wandering at night?

Travis suggests Old Yeller sleep in the room with him and Arliss. Knowing that he has to protect the precious corn harvest, Travis takes Old Yeller outside to sleep with him in the corn patch each night.

Q. What did burn Sanderson warn Travis about?

The man was coming to confirm that this lost dog was his dog. His name was Burn Sanderson. Burn warned Travis though, about a plague going around and said “shoot anything that acts unnatural, and don’t fool around about it.” If I were the Coates family, I would take the chances for Old Yeller and keep the dog.

Q. Why did Travis want to get out of sight in a hurry?

Bud told burn Sanderson about old yeller being at Travis’s house. Why did Travis want to get out of sight in a hurry? He didn’t want burn to see him cry. As burn Sanderson is leaving what warning does he give Travis Coates?

Q. What horrific scene unfolds in front of the cabin?

What horrific scene unfolds in front of the cabin? Old Yeller and a mad wolf are battling to the death. What does Mama reluctantly offer to do if Travis can’t? Realizing that Old Yeller may be rabid she offers to shoot him knowing that it will be difficult for Travis to shoot the pet he loves so dearly.

Q. What trade is made for Old Yeller with burn?

What trade does Burn Sanderson make with Little Arliss? Arliss can keep Old Yeller for all the bugs and snakes in his pocket.

Q. What method did Travis use to put the notches in the pigs ears?

To make the family’s mark on the pigs, Travis takes the right ear of the animal, folds it, and slices out “a three-cornered gap in the top side, a mark that (is) called an overbit”.

Q. What mistake does Travis make when he is branding the pigs?

What mistake does Travis make when he is branding the pigs? He turns around and is rammed in the back by a hog. He is backed next to a cliff by the boars and has no way of escaping.

Q. How does Travis feel about Old Yeller after the bear fight?

How does Travis’s feelings towards Old Yeller change after the bear fight? Travis locks up Old Yeller so he can’t get near Little Arliss. Travis whips Old Yeller for causing harm to Little Arliss. Travis is ready to shoot Old Yeller for getting Little Arliss in the middle of a bear fight.

Q. Why does Travis suddenly feel frightened again?

Why does Travis suddenly feel,” Scared out of his wits” again? Travis suddenly felt,” Scared out of his wits again” because now that Arliss is out of danger, he can think clearly again and realizes how close he came to having to defend Arliss against the bear.

Q. How does Travis feel about Old Yeller at first?

What are five details about Travis Coates in the book Old Yeller? Travis feels confident when his father leaves him in charge of taking care of the farm and the family while he’s gone.

Q. What did little Arliss keep doing that made Travis crazy?

What did Little Arliss keep doing that made Travis crazy? He would eat all the cornbread. He hunted lizards. He would throw rocks at Old Yeller.

Q. What did Lisbeth promise Travis visit in Old Yeller?

What did Lisbeth Searcy promise Travis during her visit? She wouldn’t tell that Old Yeller had stolen a bait of ribs and some eggs.

Q. What happened when Travis was marking some hogs in the Bat Cave country?

What happened when Travis was marking some hogs in the bat cave country? A hog slashed his leg when the bank he was on gave way.

Q. What deal did burn Sanderson make with Arliss?

What was the deal that Burn Sanderson made with Arliss? They could keep Old Yeller if Mama made him a new shirt. They could keep Old Yeller if Mama cooked him a nice meal. They could keep Old Yeller if Travis worked for Burn Sanderson.

Q. What happened in chapter 10 of Old Yeller?

The hogs rip into Old Yeller with their tusks while Travis scrambles far away. Alone in a grove of prickly pear trees, Travis rips open his pant leg and looks at his gored calf—the gash is a bad one that goes straight to the bone, yet Travis is in too much shock to feel any pain.

Q. Why did burn Sanderson visit the Coates Farm?

Why does Burn Sanderson’s visit to the farm make Little Arliss angry? Burn claims Old Yeller belongs to him and wants him back. Old Yeller has been going into the settlement at night to steal food. What does Bud Searcy offer the Coates family while Travis is hurt?

Q. What happened in chapter 9 of Old Yeller?

Travis doesn’t sleep the first night after Sanderson tells him about the hydrophobia plague, but the next day he heads out to round up and mark hogs and forgets all about the plague. The hogs are turned out onto the range to fend for themselves, just like the cattle, and they do things as a herd to protect themselves.

Q. How did Old Yeller help Travis in Chapter 9?

Old Yeller would chase the hogs to the tree Travis picked and keep them in the area while he marked the pigs. Travis would drop a loop around the baby pigs, yank on it, and lift them up.

Q. What does Travis have to do to the wild hogs belonging to his family?

Travis was frightened by the hydrophobia plague that Burn Sanderson had told him about for weeks. Travis’s family fenced their hogs out of the fields and allowed them to run loose on the range, and they fed them only in the winter during a bad spell. The hogs ate plants, wild fruits, and nuts; but they never ate meat.

Q. What happened in chapter 12 of Old Yeller?

It is one of the puppies from the litter that Old Yeller sired with Lisbeth’s hound. As Travis lies in bed, beating himself up for being dismissive toward Lisbeth, he overhears Bud Searcy telling Mama that he plans to leave Lisbeth with her to help out around the house until Travis is well again.

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