Who will Ema end up with in Brothers conflict?

Who will Ema end up with in Brothers conflict?

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Q. Who will Ema end up with in Brothers conflict?

Miwa Asahina
Ema is the daughter of the famous adventurer Rintarou Hinata. One day, Ema finds out that he is going to remarry to a successful apparel maker named Miwa Asahina.

Q. What are the brothers names in Brothers conflict?

The Asahina Brothers

  • Masaomi Asahina. This 31 year old doctor is the eldest son of Miwa Asahina.
  • Ukyo Asahina. Ukyo is the second son of the Asahina Family.
  • Kaname Asahina. Kaname is 26 years old.
  • Hikaru Asahina. Hikaru is the fourth son of Miwa Asahina.
  • Tsubaki Asahina.
  • Azusa Asahina.
  • Natsume Asahina.
  • Louis Asahina.

Q. Is there a story about brothers called Brothers Conflict?

This story is going to be kinda about anime called Brothers Conflict. My idea is to add one more brother that is somewhat similar to me and somewhat it will be also AU t… Ema had always felt alone in her home so, when she was young, Rintaro adopted a sister to help keep her company.

Q. Who is Hikaru in the book Brothers Conflict?

Hikaru is extremely clever and a bit manipulative. He seems to know that almost every one of his brothers has feelings toward Ema, and even makes an odds chart called “Brothers Conflict” as his hobby, keeping track of which brother seems most likely to win Ema in the end. The fifth son of the Asahina family and oldest of the triplets, aged 24.

Q. Who is Ema Hinata in the brothers conflict?

Ema Hinata (or later known as Ema Asahina) is the daughter of the famous expat, Rintaro Hinata. One day, Ema finds out that her dad is going to remarry a successful clothing maker named Miwa Asahina. Rather than bothering them, she decides to move into the Sunrise Residence complex that is owned by Miwa.

Q. How many brothers does Mia have in Brothers Conflict?

When Mia comes home to move in with her 13 new brothers the Asahina’s the whol… This story is going to be kinda about anime called Brothers Conflict. My idea is to add one more brother that is somewhat similar to me and somewhat it will be also AU t…

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Who will Ema end up with in Brothers conflict?.
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