Why a peaceful woman carries a gun?

Why a peaceful woman carries a gun?

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Q. Why a peaceful woman carries a gun?

Although she knew she cannot face those men if ever she would be attacked, she encouraged her-self to take safety measures for self-protection. In this essay Hasselstrom conclude how a peaceful woman gets to carry a gun, to protect herself, to make her-self equal to a man, or to reach for any good cause.

Q. Why does hasselstrom carry a gun?

Hasselstrom carries a gun because she has had difficulty finding other ways to feel safe on her own as a woman.

Q. How does hasselstrom express her reluctance to carry a gun?

4. Where in the essay does Hasselstrom express her reluctance to carry a gun? In Hasselstrom’s essay, she expresses her reluctance to carry a gun in paragraph 12. She explains how just because someone has a gun, that does not mean that they are actually going to use it the right way.

Q. How does paragraph 1 establish hasselstrom?

How does paragraph 1 establish Hasselstrom’s purpose for writing this essay? What other purpose might she have? Hasselstrom is acknowledging the controversy that comes with owning a gun and is hoping that offering her story will help expand the views of her readers.

Q. How does paragraph 1 establish hasselstrom’s purpose for writing this essay?

1. How does paragraph 1 establish Hasselstrom’s purpose for writing this essay? What other purpose might she have? -That she is a peaceful non-violent woman, but wants to justify why she carries a gun. Everything she talks about seems like it would appeals more toward women than men.

Q. Where does hasselstrom indicate that she expects her readers to challenge her position?

Where does she indicate that she expects them to challenge her? How does she address this challenge? She seems to expect her readers to be reluctant to agree. She likely expects the most disagreement to arise after she talks about her decision to purchase a gun in paragraph 12.

Q. Where in the essay does the author express her reluctance to carry a gun?

Where is the essay does Hasseltrom express her reluctance to carry a gun? -In paragraph 25 when she says that “the pacifist inside me will be saddened if the only way a woman can achieve equality is by carrying weapons.” 5.

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