Why are most of the stomata on the bottom of the leaf? – Internet Guides
Why are most of the stomata on the bottom of the leaf?

Why are most of the stomata on the bottom of the leaf?

HomeArticles, FAQWhy are most of the stomata on the bottom of the leaf?

Q. Why are most of the stomata on the bottom of the leaf?

The stomata must be open during the daylight hours to let oxygen and carbon dioxide pass through. Transpiration is the loss of water through stomata, so, more stomata are found on the lower surface to prevent excessive loss of water.

Q. Why is there a lot of space between the spongy mesophyll of a leaf?

Intercellular air spaces within the spongy mesophyll layer – they allow the diffusion of carbon dioxide and oxygen. Stomata (small pores usually found on the lower surface of the leaf) – allow carbon dioxide and oxygen to enter and leave the leaf.

Q. What is the significance of having more stomata on the lower side of a leaf than on the upper side?

Explanation: All surfaces of the leaf have some amount of stomata for regulating gas exchange for photosynthesis. However, the lower epidermis (the underside of the leaf) has more, because it is more often in the shade and so it is cooler, which means evaporation won’t take place as much.

Q. What layer has lots of air spaces?

Spongy Layer

Q. What will happen if you remove the air from these spaces?

If you draw the gases out from the spaces, then the leaves will sink because they become more dense than water. If this leaf disk is placed in a solution with an alternate source of carbon dioxide in the form of bicarbonate ions, then photosynthesis can occur in a sunken leaf disk. The leaf becomes buoyant and floats.

Q. Which cells contain air spaces to allow the movement of gases throughout the leaf?

Stomata or pores in the leaf surface are surrounded by specialized leaf cells called guard cells (see Figure 3). Guard cells regulate the opening and closing of stomata. Stomata allow oxygen and carbon dioxide to either enter or leave the plant.

Q. What are the three main structural parts of a leaf?

Answer: The foliage leaf consists of three parts, namely leaf base, petiole and lamina. The leaf base is also called as hypopodium. The petiole part of the leaf is also called as mesopodium.

Q. How do leaves make oxygen?

Plants make their food in a process called photosynthesis. Once they have water and carbon dioxide, they can use energy from sunlight to make their food. The leftovers from making the plant food is another gas called oxygen. This oxygen is released from the leaves into the air.

Q. Does leaf produce oxygen?

Leaves play a big part in how trees take in carbon dioxide gas from the air and create the oxygen gas that we all breathe. In this process, trees also make oxygen. Photosynthesis actually occurs in the green parts of the leaf called chloroplasts. These chloroplasts are what give leaves their color.

Q. How do leaves release oxygen?

To eat, trees go through a process called photosynthesis. To do this, their leaves pull in carbon dioxide and water through tiny pores, called stomata, and use energy absorbed from the sun to turn the CO2 and H2O into sugars. During that process, the tree releases 02, which is oxygen, from the leaves’ stomata.

Q. Which tree gives oxygen for 24 hours?

Peepal tree

Q. Do trees take in oxygen at night?

Plants release oxygen during the day in the presence of natural light through the process of photosynthesis. While at night, the plants uptake oxygen and release carbon dioxide, which is called respiration. Having these plants at home improves air quality throughout the day and helps people to sleep better at night.

Q. Why should we not sleep under trees at night?

It is said that we should avoid sleeping under the tree at night, since plants carry out respiration at night and give out carbon dioxide, which is harmful for us. During the day, carbon dioxide is used by the plants for photosynthesis and hence no carbon dioxide is released.

Q. Why we should not touch trees at night?

Human beings need more energy as compared to plants and so, respiration in plants is a slow process. That is, the plants leave carbon dioxide at night. On the basis of this it is that in the night if you sleep under the tree, you will not get oxygen, which can cause breathing problem, suffocation etc.

Q. Why we should not pluck Tulsi leaves at night?

There is generation of heat energy in the dormant and serene sattvik frequencies present in the tulsi plant by the touch of women which leads to decrease in its sattvikta (sattva quality). Hence they are prohibited from gathering or plucking the tulsi leaves.

Q. Why does Tulsi plant die?

Tulsi palnt care in winter season is the most important because most of the tulsi plant die off in this season because tulsi plant love the hot climate but the cold climate will make tulsi plant branches & leaf to turn black and die.

Q. Which days we should not pluck Tulsi leaves?

It is considered inauspicious to pluck Tulsi leaves on Sundays and Ekadashi. Hence, the practice should be avoided. Make sure that you dispose of the dried out Tulsi plant in a holy river or a water body. Also, avoid keeping a dry Tulsi plant as it brings bad luck and immediately replaces it with a new one.

Q. Can we pluck Tulsi on Dwadashi?

Srimati Tulsi Maharani, the pure devotee of the Lord, keeps fasting on the whole Ekadashi and takes rest on Dwadashi. So the devotee in order to not to disturb or hurt her, don’t pluck leaves.

Q. Why did Vishnu marry Tulsi?

Tulsi Vivah is a Hindu festival in which a ceremonial marriage of the Tulsi (Basil) with god Shaligram or Vishnu is held. The Tulsi wedding signifies the end of the monsoon and the beginning of the wedding season in Hinduism….

Tulsi Vivah
Observed byHindus
Celebrations1 day
BeginsPrabodhini Ekadashi

Q. Why we should not give water to Tulsi plant on Sundays?

Adding water to Tulsi on Sunday is considered inauspicious. This leads to the abode of negative forces in life. 3. This will increase clauses in the house and cause loss of money.

Q. What is the lifespan of Tulsi plant?

3 years

Q. Why does Tulsi plant die in winter?

In winter Tulsi needs less water than in summer. So if the water present in the soil and atmosphere is more than the plant needed, it will gradually die, but it can still rejuvenate.

Q. How do you revive a dead Tulsi plant?

Always prune your Tulsi plant; start by removing the dried leaves and seeds whenever it is possible. Pruning your Tulsi plant will also help you in reviving it if it is dead. If you feel that your Tulsi plant is dying, start by providing it with some fertilizer amount, as these will help in reviving it.

Q. Why is my Tulsi plant not growing?

Tulsi plant require well drain soil mix, water must not stay in soil mix as tulsi plant doesn’t require much water for its growth so always give less water, before giving water pot soil must be dry up-to 50% this will make your tulsi plant healthy and full of leaves.

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