Why can’t Bella see her family?

Why can’t Bella see her family?

HomeArticles, FAQWhy can’t Bella see her family?

The main reason why she almost had to cut her parents out of her life was because she was afraid of hurting them. But now that she knows she can control her bloodlust, that’s not a problem anymore.

Q. Will there be a new Twilight in 2020?

In a twist of fate, the “Twilight” franchise has gained new life in the year 2020 via the upcoming release of “Midnight Sun,” author Stephenie Meyer’s retelling of the first novel of the series from Edward’s point of view. The novel, which Meyer announced on May 4, will be released on Aug.

Q. Does Charlie know Renesmee is Bella’s child?

No, he doesn’t. They keep that information from him in order to protect him from the Volturi. When Bella is changed, Charlie comes to visit and Bella wears brown-coloured eyes contacts which she has to change every couple of hours because the venom in her eyes dissolves the contacts.

Q. How old is Bella when she becomes a vampire?


Q. Why does Rosalie Hate Bella in Twilight?

When Edward and Bella begin a romantic relationship, Rosalie becomes jealous of her, because she is able to get Edward’s attention after she came to believe that he wouldn’t be fond of anyone on Earth. Another reason is that she thinks Bella has made a mistake falling in love with a vampire.

Q. Why is Rosalie so mean to Bella?

She does not agree with Bella’a desire to be “changed.” Rosalie is prejudice against Bella because she is human. Rosalie carries this to the extreme when she doesn’t want to help protect Bella against the “tracker” vampires. She just wants Edward to stop seeing Bella and get her out of their lives.

Q. How did Rosalie Cullen die?

In 1933, Rosalie was turned into a vampire by Carlisle Cullen after being raped and beaten to the brink of death by a group of drunken men, including her fiancé….Rosalie Hale.

Rosalie Lillian Hale
Biographical information
Died2014 (by Volturi Witnesses)
ChangedApril; 1933
Perpetual age19
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Why can’t Bella see her family?.
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