Why did Marathas expand beyond Deccan?

Why did Marathas expand beyond Deccan?

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The Marathas wanted to expand beyond the Deccan in order to decrease the Mughal infulence. By the 1720s, they seized Malwa and Gujarat from the Mughals and by the 1730s, the Maratha king was recognised as the overlord of the entire Deccan peninsula.

Q. Why did the other rulers become hostile towards Marathas?

Drawbacks of expansion. Though the expansion brought enormous wealth, it came at a price. It made other rulers hostile towards the Marathas. Consequently, they were not inclined to support the Marathas in the third battle of Panipat in 1761.

Q. What was Sardeshmukhi Class 7?

It was an annual tax nominally levied on sales or produce at 25 percent, hence the term. On the lands that were under nominal Mughal control, it was levied. On top of the Chauth, the Sardeshmukhi was an extra 10 percent tax. It is a tribute paid to the king.

Q. What is meant by Sardeshmukhi?

Sardeshmukhi was a charge equal to one-tenth of the land revenue which a hereditary Deshmukh, in the time of the Mughals….

Q. Who were Ijaradars Class 7?

Ijaradars were revenue farmers during the Mughal period. During the beginning of British rule in Bengal, the East India Company arrived at the revenue settlement called the Permanent settlements with the Ijaradars….

Q. Who was Nadir Shah Class 7?

Nadir shah was the Shah of Persia and the founder of the Afsharid dynasty of Persia. He invaded Delhi during the reign Muhammad Shah in the year 1739. He and his army looted all the precious jewels in the royal Mughal treasury.

Q. Who was the last Nawab of Awadh Class 7?

Nawab of Awadh
• 1818 Saadat Ali Khan II (last)
• Established 1732
• Disestablished 1856

Q. How were the Sikhs Organised in the 18th century 5 points?

In the eighteenth century, the Sikhs organized themselves into a number of bands called jathas, and which later came to be known as misls. Their combined forces were known as the grand army (dal khalsa)….

Q. How did Asaf Jah consolidate his power?

How did Asaf Jah consolidate his power? Asaf Jah appointed mansabdars and granted jagirs. Although he was still a servant of the Mughal emperor, he ruled quite independently without seeking any direction from Delhi or facing any interference. The Mughal emperor merely confirmed the decisions already taken by the Nizam….

Q. What were the office held by Saadat Khan?

Sa’adat Khan held the combined offices of political (subadari), financial (diwani) and military (faujdari) affairs of the province of Awadh….

Q. Did any of the kingdoms mentioned in this chapter develop in your state?

None of the Kingdoms mentioned in the chapter developed in this region. If any of the students live in any of the regions where the kingdoms mentioned in the chapter developed they should consult their history teacher and prepare their answer….

Q. Who were Maratha peasant warriors?

(c) Guru Gobind Singh was the tenth Guru of the Sikhs. (d) Poona became the capital of the Marathas in the eighteenth century. 4….Let’s recall.

subadar a revenue farmer
faujdar a high noble
ijaradar provincial governor
misl Maratha peasant warriors
chauth a Mughal military commander

Q. Why did the Marathas want to expand beyond the Deccan Class 7 short answer?

The Marathas wanted to expand beyond the Deccan to receive tribute and control trade and agriculture.

Q. Who was Umara?

Ghulam Husain Ali Khan (8 January 1748 – 15 July 1801) aka Ghulam Hussainy or Umdat ul-Umra, was the Nawab of the Carnatic state in the Mughal Empire from 1795 to 1801. But he was subsequently renamed as “Umdat ul-Umara”, after the name of the court of the Mughal Emperor Shah Alam II.

Q. Why do you think towns grew around temples?

Note: Towns grew around temples because temples are always central to economy and society. Temple authorities used their wealth to finance trade and banking. Also, the large number of pilgrims provided ample opportunities for traders and artisans to conduct their business and earn their living.

Q. Do you think merchants and bankers today?

Answer: Yes, merchants and bankers today have the kind of influence they had in the eighteenth century.

Q. What was the importance of merchants and bankers in the 18th century?

Answer: The extent of influence of the merchants and bankers on the state was very high in the 18th century. They had a powerful say in politics and administration. In modern times, merchants and bankers hold importance just in the economy. But they do not have such a powerful say in politics and administration.

Q. What did the Indian traders bring from Africa?

What did the Indian traders bring from Africa? Answer: They brought gold and ivory from Africa….

Q. How important are work craft people for the building and maintenance of temples?

The crafts persons were very important for building and maintenance of temples. The houses were built by the Masons, doors and windows were made by the carpenters and iron items were made by the blacksmiths. Other artisans produced decorative objects, and the statues and idols were made by the sculptors.

Q. Why was there rapid urban growth around temples Class 7?

The undercurrent urge of modernization and reconstruction from past few decades is the major reason behind the growth of urbanization. This is leading to the reconstruction of traditional work of art on temples and cultural heritages….

Q. What helped temple towns to grow?

Answer: Temples used their money to finance trade and banking. Hence, gradually many priests, artisans, workers, traders etc settled near the temple to cater to the needs of the temple as well as pilgrims. This is how temple towns grew.

Q. How were temple towns grow?

Rulers built temples to demonstrate their power and devotion to various deities. Grants of land and money were given to the temples to carry out elaborate rituals, feed pilgrims etc. would settle near the temple to cater to its needs and those of the pilgrims. Thus grew temple towns….

Q. What kind of towns existed during medieval period in India?

What kind of towns existed during medieval period in India? Answer. During medieval period India had temple towns, administrative towns, commercial or port towns. Many towns combined multiple functions and were administrative centres or temple towns as well as commercial or craft centres….

Q. How were temple towns grow Class 7?

Answer: Temple authorities used their wealth to finance trade and banking. Gradually a large number of priests, workers, artisans, traders etc., settled near the temple to cater to its needs and those of the pilgrims and thus grew temple towns….

Q. What were the reasons for the decline of Surat Class 7?

Answer: The following factors were responsible for the decline of Surat:

  • Loss of markets and productivity because of the decline of the Mughal Empire.
  • Control of the sea routes by the Portuguese.
  • Competition from Bombay (Mumbai of the present times) where the East India Company shifted its headquarters in 1668.

Q. Why did Hampi fall into ruin?

In 1565, at the Battle of Talikota, a coalition of Muslim sultanates entered into a war with the Vijayanagara Empire. The city was pillaged, looted and burnt for six months after the war, then abandoned as ruins, which are now called the Group of Monuments at Hampi.

Q. Why is Surat declining?

The port of Surat declined by the end of the eighteenth century on account of the growing power of European companies in trade with India. They secured many concessions from local courts as well as the monopoly rights to trade.

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Why did Marathas expand beyond Deccan?.
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