Why do magnetic compass deflect due to current?

Why do magnetic compass deflect due to current?

HomeArticles, FAQWhy do magnetic compass deflect due to current?

A current carrying wire always produces a magnetic field around it and due to this magnetic field the needle of magnetic compass deflects.

Q. When current in the wire is increased?

Answer. a)If the magnitude of current is increased ,then the deflection of the compass will increase as the electric field created by the wire in turn creates a magnetic field which deflects the compass needle.

Q. How will deflection of Compass get affected if the current in the wire is increased?

Magnetic field (B) produced by current-carrying wire is directly proportional to the current (I) flowing through the wire. If the current is increased then the magnetic field produced is stronger and vice-versa. So, deflection in the compass will be more when the current flowing through the wire will be increased.

Q. What will happen if the compass needle is displaced away from the wire?

Rate this Question (b) The compass neddle is displaced away from the wire. Accepted Answer: 1) The deflection of the magnetic compass needle will be more with increase in current through the conductor. 2)The deflection of the compass needle decreases when the needle is displaced away from the current carrying wire.

Q. What causes the deflection of the needle in the compass?

The compass needle is a small magnet. That’s why when a compass needle is brought near a bar magnet, its magnetic field lines interact with that of the bar magnet. Hence, a compass needle gets deflected near the magnet bar.

Q. What does the deflection of the compass indicate?

What does the deflection of the compass indicate? The deflection of the compass is an indication that an electromotive force was induced causing current to flow momentarily in the second coil. When you open the switch, notice that the compass again deflects momentarily, but in the opposite direction.

Q. What is the role of Compass in a circuit?

the compass is used in circuit to show the deflection in the circuit because the compass needle show deflection in the presence of electromagnetic field to determine the current…

Q. Why does laboratory compass not work?

The magnetic compass does not work in the laboratory because of the different magnetic field present. Explanation: the magnetic field which is present in the laboratory is more than the magnetic field which is produced by the earth.

Q. Why compass always align itself in approximately north south direction?

Actually, the compass needle itself is a little magnet with two magnetic poles and the earth acts as a really big magnet due to the magnetic field created by its iron core. So the compass needle when allowed to spin whichever way it wants, will always line itself along the north-south direction.

Q. Why does bar magnet always point in north-south direction Why?

Answer: A freely suspended magnet always points in north – south direction. This is because its south pole is attracted by earth’s north pole and the north pole of the magnet is attracted by the earth’s south pole. when we hang it freely it automatically starts pointing in north-south direction.

Q. Can a magnetic compass be fixed?

How to Fix & Recalibrate Your Compass to the Earth’s Magnetic Field. If you have determined that the polarity in your compass has been reversed, you will need to re-magnetize the compass with a strong magnet. The north (red) end of the needle will be attracted to the south end of the magnet and vice-versa.

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Why do magnetic compass deflect due to current?.
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