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Why is doodles name ironic?

Why is doodles name ironic?

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Explanation. This is ironic, because the narrator gave his brother the name “Doodle” because he didn’t want people to expect too much of him. However, later in the story, the narrator, ecstatic with happiness because of his success in teaching Doodle how to walk, he now expects a lot of Doodle.

Q. What is the irony in the scarlet ibis?

Dramatic Irony The present narrator knows exactly what is going to happen, and as more elements of foreshadowing are included, the readers come to realize early on, too, that something bad will happen to Doodle that removes him from the narrator’s life.

Q. What are three examples of foreshadowing in the scarlet ibis?

Foreshadowing is one of the elements of style which make “The Scarlet Ibis” great. For example, the author states, “The last graveyard flowers were blooming, and their smell drifted [through] our house, speaking softly the names of our dead.” This passage clearly foreshadows the death of Doodle.

Q. What disease did Doodle have in the scarlet ibis?

Doodle is born with a heart condition and is expected to die as an infant. According to his doctor, he’ll never be able to walk.

Q. Why does brother run off and leave Doodle?

In “The Scarlet Ibis,” Brother runs off and leaves Doodle because he is frustrated at Doodle’s failures and weaknesses.

Q. How did Doodle die in the scarlet ibis?

Doodle died when his brother pushed him too far physically. The narrator does his best to make his brother normal. He teaches him to walk when he is five years old, because he is embarrassed to have a brother who does not walk. By his sixth birthday, Doodle is walking.

Q. Why did the scarlet ibis die?

Both Doodle and the bird died from exhaustion. Doodle’s father says the bird probably was carried by a storm and when the family sees the bird, it is bloodied and battered from its fight to stay alive in the storm. It is far away from home and the struggle has been too much for the bird to survive.

Q. Why did the narrator make Doodle touch the coffin?

Why did the narrator show Doodle the coffin in the barn loft? He wanted to be mean to the brother, but also to show how no one though he would live and he did.

Q. Why does the narrator make Doodle work so hard at everything?

Why does the narrator set such demanding goals for Doodle? The narrator sets such demanding goal for Doodle because he wants Doodle to be normal. The narrator does not want a disabled brother who cannot join in fun activities. At first, the brother teaches Doodle to walk, something that no one would think to do.

Q. Why does the narrator teach doodle to walk and why does he cry when his family congratulated him for his effort?

why does the narrator teach Doodle to walk, and why does he cry when the family congratulates him? -he cried because he realized he didn’t do it for Doodle, but for himself and his pride.

Q. What is Doodle’s favorite lie?

Brother relates that Doodle’s “favorite lie” is about a boy named Peter, who has a resplendent peacock for a pet. According to Doodle, Peter’s golden robe shines brighter than the sun itself, and when he walks past the sunflowers, they turn towards him.

Q. What things in ordinary life are red?

Here’s a visual list of things that are red in nature:

  • Roses.
  • Cherry.
  • Chili.
  • Cranberry.
  • Strawberries.
  • Beetroot.
  • Tomatoes.
  • Poppies.

Q. When and why did the boys take up lying in scarlet ibis?

We are told that Doodle and his brother, the narrator of this moving story, take up lying to help pass the time when they go out to walk.

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