Why is K 1000?

Why is K 1000?

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Q. Why is K 1000?

K comes form the Greek kilo which means a thousand. In the metric system lower case k designates kilo as in kg for kilogram, a thousand grams.

Q. What does the K mean in 100K?

100k is 100,000. k = thousand. ^^^This! “K” or “k” stands for “kilo”, denoting 1000, like in “kilogram” = 1000 grams or “kilometer” = 1000 meters.

Q. What is M in money?

M is the Roman numeral for thousand and MM is meant to convey one thousand-thousand — or million. To take it further; one billion would be shown as $1MMM or one-thousand million.

Q. Whats bigger K or M?

On the Internet, 1K is used to represent 1 thousand and 10K is used to represent 10 thousand, similarly, 1M is used to represent 1 million. You must have understood this thing easily because “M” means Million, so “M” would be used for million. Actually, ‘K’ denotes Kilo and kilo in Greek means 1,000.

Q. What is the correct way to abbreviate million?

Abbreviated Forms

NumberNorth AmericaRarer Forms
thousandKthsnd(.), M
millionMmil(.), mill(.), mln(.), MM
billionBbil(.), bill(.), bln(.)
trillionTtril(.), trill(.), trn(.), tln(.)

Q. What MM means?

What does M/M stand for?

Rank Abbr.Meaning
MMMaterials Management

Q. What does mm mean in date?



Q. Is K or M bigger on YouTube?

Taking about YouTube videos, “M” stands for million and “K” stands for thousand. & 10 K means 10 Thousand Views. The k refers to thousand. So if any video seeks 1000 views then it will be shown as 1k views.

Q. What does 1M likes mean?

1M Likes is equal to 10,00000 likes. 1M comments are equal to 10,00000 comments. 1M Subscriber is equal to 10,00000 Subscribers. 1.5k Means equal to 1500.

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Why is K 1000?.
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