Why is slim important in the novel?

Why is slim important in the novel?

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Q. Why is slim important in the novel?

Slim plays two important roles in Steinbeck’s novella. First, he acts as a sounding board for George as he describes his life with Lennie in chapter three. Second, he is the arbiter of the important decisions on the ranch, and two in particular which have an effect on the plot of the novella.

Q. Why is slim described as the prince of the ranch?

When we first meet Slim, John Steinbeck writes: He was a jerkline skinner, the prince of the ranch…. There was a gravity in his manner and a quiet so profound that all talk stopped when he spoke. Slim is described by Steinbeck as ‘the prince of the ranch,’ and his authority and confidence reinforce this image.

Q. Why is slim so important?

Slim is so respected and admired on the ranch that even Curley listens to him. When Lennie smashes Curley’s hand, Slim is the one who intercedes and tells Curley he will not have George and Lennie fired. Slim understands Curley’s fear of ridicule, and he uses that fear to help George and Lennie.

Q. What does Lennie Small symbolize?

It was Steinbeck himself that originally remarked that Lennie was meant to represent the “inarticulate and powerful yearning of all men.” In the context of the setting, it is clear that Lennie Small is a symbol for the frustration and hopelessness felt by dispossessed men during the Great Depression.

Q. Why does slim give Lennie a puppy?

George is probably thinking that having a puppy will keep Lennie out of trouble and that it is better for him to have a puppy than to keep playing with mice. Slim is probably glad to get rid of two mongrel puppies so easily. He can give one to Candy to take the place of the old dog Carlson is determined to shoot.

Q. How does Candy’s dog die?

Candy replies that he has had the dog for too many years to kill it, but Carlson continues to pressure him. As the men marvel over it, Carlson offers to kill the dog quickly by shooting it in the back of the head. Reluctantly, Candy gives in. Carlson takes the dog outside, promising Slim that he will bury the corpse.

Q. Is Candy’s dog a boy?

Candy’s dog does not have a name. This is significant for two reasons. First, he is thought of as a possession and he is not thought of as important enough to have a name.

Q. Why is crooks rude to Lennie?

Why is Crooks rude to Lennie? Crooks is rude to Lennie because he is the only black man on the ranch and he feels left out. He is angry and takes it out on Lennie. Crooks is not use to people being nice to him.

Q. What kind of person is crooks?

Crooks is a lively, sharp-witted, black stable-hand, who takes his name from his crooked back. Like most of the characters in the story, he admits that he is extremely lonely. When Lennie visits him in his room, his reaction reveals this fact.

Q. How is crooks lonely and isolated?

Crooks is isolated because of his skin color. As the only black man on the ranch, he is not allowed into the bunkhouse with the others, and he does not associate with them. He combats his loneliness with books and his work, but even he realizes that these things are no substitute for human companionship.

Q. Can crooks read?

Unlike most of the itinerant workers of the time, Crooks can read, and he owns some worthwhile literature.

Q. What is crooks bunk like what does it show you about him?

What does Crooks’ bunk tell you about him? He is tolerant because his bunk is so small and intelligent because he has a lot of books.

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Why is slim important in the novel?.
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