Why is the road not taken a good poem?

Why is the road not taken a good poem?

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Q. Why is the road not taken a good poem?

“The Road Not Taken” is an ambiguous poem that allows the reader to think about choices in life, whether to go with the mainstream or go it alone. If life is a journey, this poem highlights those times in life when a decision has to be made.

Q. What is your opinion about the poem The Road Not Taken?

Personally, I think this poem is overrated. Frost even thought so himself. He wrote it as a joke to tease his friend Edward Thomas. It took Frost a series of letters to explain that the poem was never meant to be taken as seriously as Thomas and other critics were taking it.

Q. Why does the poet regret his choice?

Answer. No, the poet did not regret his decision. He was more than happy with his decision. The place had leaves all over it and it looked as if nobody had ever walked on it.

Q. Why did the road chosen make all the difference?

The road that fewer people had taken (“was more grassy and wanted wear”) was more inviting to the narrator, so he made the choice to follow the path that fewer people had taken. The narrator believes that chosing to follow the norm would have been the wrong decision.

Q. Why is the poet in doubt?

The poet doubts whether he has chosen the correct road or not because the life ahead depends upon the choices one makes in life. the poet doubts that is it correct to choose the road that is new and less used beceause he can even fail in his life if he chooses the wrong road.

Q. Why did the poet suffer from doubt?

Answer. Answer: In the poem The Road Not Taken the poet suffered from a a doubt that which road will take him to his aimed location, As he was on a diversion.

Q. What was the doubt in the poet’s mind?

the poet had the doubt of whether he would be able to come back on the first road which he had left for another day.

Q. What does the witch represent in Into the Woods?

The Wolf, The Witch and The Giant represent the dark shadows (unconscious underpinnings of the mind) that threaten us; Rapunzel and Little Red Riding Hood are “damsels in distress” personifying the victim role we all play from time to time.

Q. Why did the Witch in Into the Woods lose her powers?

But after the Baker’s father stole her magic beans, she was cursed and turned into a hideous witch. As revenge, she takes the family’s newborn daughter to raise as her own, naming her Rapunzel. The Witch then discovers she has lost her magic powers.

Q. What is the symbolism of the woods in Into the Woods?

The mysterious woods are something of an all-purpose metaphorical zone where anything might happen, for better and worse. The repetition of “I wish” starts to sound foreboding, opening the door to risks that materialize the kingdom-wide devastation of the final act.

Q. Is the witch bad in Into the Woods?

The Witch, rather than being truly evil, simply distrusts people and the world in general and tries to keep Rapunzel sheltered from it. In the play, Rapunzel is among those killed by the Giant, hinting that the Witch’s eagerness to sacrifice Jack is partly due to her grief for her lost daughter.

Q. Did the baker’s wife die in Into the Woods?

In Into the Woods, Cinderella realizes she doesn’t want to be saved by the prince. So it surprised me that after her one-night-stand with Prince Charming, the baker’s wife is promptly killed off while the adulterous prince — who at this point is married to Cinderella — rides away carefree.

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Why is the road not taken a good poem?.
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