Why should you use bibulous paper and not paper towels to dry the slides?

Why should you use bibulous paper and not paper towels to dry the slides?

HomeArticles, FAQWhy should you use bibulous paper and not paper towels to dry the slides?

when staining the microbes it has access stain the slide, place the slide under bibulous paper to blot up the excess without ruining your slide. The use of the positively charged stain allows it to bind the negatively charge cell wall, thus staining the cell.

Q. What is it important to prepare a good bacterial smear?

The preparation of a smear is required for many laboratory procedures, including the Gram-stain. The purpose of making a smear is to fix the bacteria onto the slide and to prevent the sample from being lost during a staining procedure. A smear can be prepared from a solid or broth medium.

Q. Why is it important to use a small amount of bacteria when making a smear?

Just as in preparing a smear, you only need a small amount of organism. If you have too many organisms, you won’t be able to see the morphology of individual cells. It is also important not use too much nigrosin. If it is too thick, the background will have a cracked appearance similar to mud puddles drying in the sun.

Q. Which chemicals are used to fix microbial cells?

Chemical Compounds Commonly Used as Antiseptics and Disinfectants

Compound Type of Action
Phenol (5%) Disinfectant
Hexachlorophene (pHisohex) Disinfectant/antiseptic
Formaldehyde (4%) Disinfectant
Zephrin and other quaternary ammonium compounds Disinfectant

Q. What is a bacterial smear and how is it created?

Bacterial smear. – Obtaining bacteria, spreading it on a slide, and staining for microscopic examination. – Bacterial smear is the first step of the staining process. Accomplishments. Causes bacteria to adhere (attach) to slide allowing staining and observations.

Q. What is an ideal bacterial smear?

An ideal bacterial smear should be thin, semi-transparent, whitish layer or film, circular with diameter 1 cm. (approximately) free from dirt, dust or any contamination.

Q. What is the purpose of steaming the bacterial smear before staining?

Steam helps to loosen up the waxy layer and promotes entry of the primary stain inside the cell. The smear is then rinsed with a very strong decolorizer, which strips the stain from all non-acid-fast cells but does not permeate the cell wall of acid-fast organisms.

Q. Why is steaming Carbolfuchsin a necessary step in Ziehl Neelsen staining?

PRINCIPLE OF ZIEHL-NEELSEN STAIN The phenolic compound carbol fuchsin is used as the primary stain because it is lipid soluble and penetrates the waxy cell wall. Staining by carbol fuchsin is further enhanced by steam heating the preparation to melt the wax and allow the stain to move into the cell.

Q. What happens if we heat fix bacteria before the capsule staining?

Most bacterial capsules are composed of polysaccharide however some genera produce polypeptide capsules. Capsular material is very moist (slimy) and any heating will cause it to shrink – it is for this reason that we will not heat fix the slide before staining.

Q. What does a positive capsule stain look like?

A positive capsule stain requires a mordant that precipitates the capsule. By counterstaining with dyes like crystal violet or methylene blue, bacterial cell wall takes up the dye. Capsules appear colourless with stained cells against dark background.

Q. Why is a bacterial capsule clear?

The capsules exclude the ink and appear as clear halos surrounding the bacterial cells. Capsules are usually polymers of simple sugars (polysaccharides), although the capsule of Bacillus anthracis is made of polyglutamic acid.

Q. What type of stain is used to observe capsules?

Bacterial capsules are non-ionic, so neither acidic nor basic stains will adhere to their surfaces. Therefore, the best way to visualize them is to stain the background using an acidic stain and to stain the cell itself using a basic stain. We use India ink and Gram crystal violet.

Q. Is Crystal Violet a basic dye?

If the color portion of the dye resides in the positive ion, as in the above case, it is called a basic dye (examples: methylene blue, crystal violet, safranin). If the color portion is in the negatively charged ion, it is called an acidic dye (examples: nigrosin, congo red).

Q. What color is Nigrosin?


Q. What are two things that are stained in a capsule stain?

In this method, two dyes, crystal violet, and India ink are used. The capsule is seen as a clear halo around the microorganism against the black background.

Q. Is basic dye a negative stain?

Acidic/Basic Dyes The most widely used histological stains differentiate between the acidic and basic components of cells and tissues. Basic dyes have a net positive charge and bind to components of cells and tissues that are negatively charged.

Q. What is the Decolorizer for the capsule stain?

decolorizer for acid-fast stain. water. decolorizer for capsule stain. Only $2.99/month. safranin.

Q. Which mordant is used in acid fast staining?

During the acid fast stain, heat is used as a mordant to allow the primary stain to penetrate the waxy mycolic acid layer. The heat will prevent the cells from being destained using acid-alcohol. Because these cells hold fast to the primary stain with acid alcohol treatment, they are termed acid fast positive.

Q. What is the role of phenol in acid fast staining?

Because the cell wall is so resistant to most compounds, acid-fast organisms require a special staining technique. The primary stain used in acid-fast staining, carbolfuchsin, is lipid-soluble and contains phenol, which helps the stain penetrate the cell wall. This is further assisted by the addition of heat.

Q. What do acid fast bacteria look like?

Acid fast bacteria have a high content of mycolic acids in their cell walls. Acid fast bacteria will be red, while nonacid fast bacteria will stain blue/green with the counterstain with the Kinyoun stain.

Q. What diseases are caused by acid fast bacteria?

Acid-fast bacillus (AFB) is a type of bacteria that causes tuberculosis and certain other infections. Tuberculosis, commonly known as TB, is a serious bacterial infection that mainly affects the lungs. It can also affect other parts of the body, including the brain, spine, and kidneys.

Q. What organisms are acid fast positive?

[1] Bacteria displaying acid fastness include:

  • Genus Mycobacterium – M. leprae, M. Tuberculosis, M. smegmatis, M. Avium complex, M. kansasii.
  • Genus Nocardia – N. brasiliensis, N. cyriacigeorgica, N. farcinica, and N. nova.
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Why should you use bibulous paper and not paper towels to dry the slides?.
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