Do you count eye guards on elk?

Do you count eye guards on elk?

HomeArticles, FAQDo you count eye guards on elk?

I’ve always called them eye guards on deer and brow tines on elk. Deer the eye guards don’t count as a point either, a four point with eye guards is still a four point, not a five point and damn sure not a ten point. Yep this is the way we do it too, called “western count” .

Q. What does 5×5 elk mean?

5×5 = shoot. 6×6 = SHOOT. 7×7 = SHOOOOT!!!!

Q. What classification is a elk?


Q. How do I calculate my elk points?

The total number of points on an antler includes the number of normal points, plus the number of abnormal points, plus the beam tips. The total number of points for each antler is recorded in the appropriate box on line A of the score chart. Point totals are supplementary data and do not add into the score.

Q. What is a 6 point bull elk?

A mature bull usually carries antlers with six points on each side, though some older bulls will carry seven, and occasionally eight points on each antler. A six-point bull is called a Royal. A seven point bull – an Imperial; an eight point or better bull – a Monarch.

Q. Do all deer have eye guards?

The next is 4X4, not counting eye guards. In field judging blacktails, points are everything, even more so than the other deer species. Speaking of eye guards, just like in mule deer, eye guards or G1s are not always present, even less so in both specie of blacktail.

Q. Are elk antlers stronger than deer antlers?

Elk is an overall larger antler in comparison to deer antlers. One antler can weight up to 10 pounds or more! These antlers make great chews for large breed dogs, and they also are a great antler for splitting.

Q. Do you count eye guards on whitetail deer?

Some hunters count them, some don’t. So someone might say a three-by-three with eye guards while another hunter would call the same deer a four-point. Because western hunters count mule deer points only on one side, we also count whitetail points the same way.

Q. What are brow tines on a buck?

Brow tine: first division of a deer’s antlers from its head. Pedicle: part of a deer’s head that supports the antlers. Beam: central stalk of the antlers of a deer.

Q. Will a buck without brow tines ever grow brow tines?

In short, data from 385 bucks found that 90 percent of the bucks without brow tines at 3 1/2 and 4 1/2 years of age were spikes at 1 1/2 years old! On the other hand, all bucks with 5 or more points as yearlings had both brow tines at maturity.

Q. Are brow tines genetic?

The study shows us that brow tines are a highly genetic trait and if this is going on in your deer herd, it’s time to do some serious thinning of the herd. If you have mature deer with no brow tines, they are doing most of the breeding, therefor they are passing on the “no brow tine gene” and it is time for them to go.

Q. Do brow tines count as points?

Brow tines are not included in a mule deer rack point count.

Q. Can you tell how old a buck is by its antlers?

That means the biggest antlers the deer will have develop when the deer is at least 4 years old. But it is impossible to tell the exact age of the buck even with well developed antlers, because you don’t know if you are looking at that particular deer’s biggest set of antlers.

Q. What does a 10 point buck mean?

A “10-point buck” describes the size of a deer’s antlers, not its height and weight. Each side of the antler drops off individually, so, for a while, a buck has an antler on only one side of its head.

Q. How old is a 4 point buck?

It is roughly estimated that a 4-point buck could be between 1 ½ to 3 years old. A lot of confusion emerges when it comes to counting the points in Buck’s antlers.

Q. How old does a buck have to be to shoot?

A whitetail buck is considered mature at 3½ to 4½ years and in its prime up to 8½ years of age. On average, most bucks don’t live past 3½ years.

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