How do terrorists select targets?

How do terrorists select targets?

HomeArticles, FAQHow do terrorists select targets?

How do terrorists select their targets? By location: Terrorists may target specific locations such as military installations or facilities, certain hotels, apartment buildings, public transportation centers, night clubs frequented by Americans, or large gatherings.

Q. Which factors should you consider to understand the threat to your deployed environment?

There are eight factors you should consider to understand the threat in your environment:

  • Are terrorist groups in my area?
  • Do they attack Americans?
  • Are they violent?
  • How active are they?
  • How sophisticated are they?
  • Do they have local popular support?
  • What is their method of operation?
  • What are their tactics?

Q. Which one of these is not a physical security feature you should check when inspecting your hotel room antiterrorism scenario training page 4 operational telephone functioning locks on doors and windows proximity of room to emergency exits lockbox or safe Whether or not?

Lockbox or safe is NOT a physical security feature you should check when inspecting your hotel room. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.

Q. Which one of these is a possible indicator of a suspicious letter?

Misspellings of common words -is a possible indicator of a suspicious letter or package. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.

Q. Are espionage and security negligence insider threats?

Answer Expert Verified From an antiterrorism perspective, espionage and security negligence are indeed considered insider threats. Therefore, the correct answer is true.

Q. Which is not a physical security measure for your home?

Hiding a key outside to ensure family member can get in if they lose their keys. -is NOT a physical security measure for your home. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.

Q. Who do alerts from the National Terrorism Advisory System apply to?

A – NTAS advisories apply to Americans within the United States and its possessions, but as explained above, NTAS Bulletins may describe general terrorism trends and developments, including trends and developments in other countries, that do not pose a specific threat to the United States.

Q. What Fpcon level applies when specific information is received about an increased?

Force Protection Level I Antiterrorism Training defines FPCON Bravo as: FPCON Bravo applies when an increased and more predictable terrorist threat activity exists. Specific information suggests probable violence, but nothing indicates that this installation is targeted.

Q. What are the five force protection conditions Fpcon?

There are five Force Protection Conditions: Normal, Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, and Delta. For each condition, there are several security measures stipulated. At each progressively higher FPCON, all of the security measures for the previous condition are implemented, and a few more measures are added.

Q. What is Charlie level?

THREATCON CHARLIE: (Threat level high) This condition applies when an incident occurs or intelligence is received indicating some form of terrorist action against personnel and facilities is imminent.

Q. What is the highest force protection level?


Q. What is the current Defcon level?


Q. What color is the threat level?

The alert system established five color-coded levels of terrorist threat: green = low; blue = guarded; yellow = elevated; orange = high; red = severe. The presidential directive clearly contemplated that alerts would be accompanied by factual information.

Q. How many US threat advisory levels are there?


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