How do you say I love you in any language?

How do you say I love you in any language?

HomeArticles, FAQHow do you say I love you in any language?

Here’s a list of ways to say “I love you” in different languages

Q. What is stop in Romanian?

This page provides all possible translations of the word STOP in the Romanian language. minge stopată, punct, stop, oclusivă, opri, terminaRomanian.

Q. Why is Romanian Yes DA?

The etymology of da is most likely Slavic, as the word is common across South- and East Slavic world, and means “yes” in both Old Church Slavonic and Bulgarian, which have contributed substantially to the Slavic adstratum of Romanian.

  1. French. Je t’aime. (
  2. Italian. Ti amo.
  3. Chinese (Mandarin) 我爱你 [Wǒ ài nǐ ] (I love you.)
  4. German. Ich liebe dich. (
  5. 5. Japanese. 愛してる [Aishiteru] (I love you.
  6. Korean. 사랑해요 [Saranghaeyo] (I love you.)
  7. Polish. Kocham Cię.
  8. Portuguese. Eu te amo (I love you.)

Q. What is no in Italian?

The Italian words for Yes is Sì, and the Italian word for No is No! Find out how to pronounce them in this free Italian lesson.

Q. What does Porke mean?

whatever is used in Spanish. The word porke is used in Spanish meaning pork,whatever.

Q. Does porque mean why?

Por que as two words, no accent markings, means “why” (e.g., ¿Por que estas triste? or Why are you sad?). Porque is the 86th most frequently used word in the Spanish language.

Q. What is Porke in Tagalog?

The Tagalog “porke” is derived from the Spanish “porque,” which means “because.” It essentially also means “because” in Tagalog but is used more specifically in sentences where we would use “just because” in English.

Q. What is Palibhasa in English?

English. palibhasa. sarcasm; seeing; being; forasmuch; forasmuch as; insult; because; as; having; to the end; which; end; the end; who; for; when; palibhasa.

Q. Is Chavacano Spanish?

Chavacano or Chabacano [tʃaβaˈkano] is a group of Spanish-based creole language varieties spoken in the Philippines. The variety spoken in Zamboanga City, located in the southern Philippine island group of Mindanao, has the highest concentration of speakers. Chavacano is the only Spanish-based creole in Asia.

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How do you say I love you in any language?.
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