How long does it take for a BAC blood test to come back?

How long does it take for a BAC blood test to come back?

HomeArticles, FAQHow long does it take for a BAC blood test to come back?

You have the right to seek independent lab testing of your BAC blood test results. These independent findings are admissible in court and may prove your innocence in a DUI case. The DUI blood test results time is usually about four to six weeks, so make sure to plan accordingly when it comes to your court date.

Q. How accurate are blood tests for alcohol?

Blood alcohol tests are very accurate in determining BAC levels, but in some cases, the results may be misleading. These cases may involve: People with diabetes or high blood ketones.

Q. What is a split blood test?

“Blood split” refers to California’s practice of splitting DUI blood samples into two containers. One is used for law enforcement testing of a driver’s blood alcohol concentration (“BAC”). The other is saved in case the driver wants to have his or her blood independently retested.

Q. How do DUI blood tests work?

A DUI blood test takes a sample of a person’s blood and measures the amount of chemical substances in their blood. The blood tests are mostly accurate, since they pick up traces of any substance a person has ingested.

Q. Does a Breathalyzer read higher than a blood test?

A breathalyzer test involves blowing a breath sample into a handheld machine, whereas a blood test involves taking a blood sample to measure it against the allowed BAC level. It is uncommon for a breathalyzer to read higher than a blood test. Raw blood provides more accurate results compared to a breath sample.

Q. What can a blood test determine that a Breathalyzer Cannot?

The blood test directly measures the alcohol concentration or content in your blood. In this respect, it can be more accurate than the breathalyzer, in so much that it rarely can provide false positives and there is no machine to be maintained or calibrated.

Q. How long after you drink can you pass a breathalyzer?

Because alcohol metabolism is different for everyone, there is no single answer as to how long a breathalyzer can detect alcohol in a person’s system, but in general, a breathalyzer can first detect alcohol in a person’s system about 15 minutes after it has been consumed and up to 24 hours later.

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How long does it take for a BAC blood test to come back?.
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