Is Dugong a herbivore?

Is Dugong a herbivore?

HomeArticles, FAQIs Dugong a herbivore?

The dugong, like all sea cows, is herbivorous. It primarily grazes on sea grasses and therefore spends most of its time in sea grass beds. Unlike the closely related manatees, the dugong never enters freshwater and is therefore the only exclusively marine mammal that is herbivorous.

Q. How can we help save dugongs?

How you can help protect dugongs

  1. Protect habitat: Avoid damaging seagrass an don’t drag boats over seagrass meadows.
  2. Mesh nets: Prohibitions and restrictions on the use of nets by commercial fishers in dugong protection areas are available in the Fisheries Regulations 1995.

Q. How do dugongs find their food?

Dugongs float across the bottom of the water to search for grasses with their bristled snouts. Their muscular lips help them suck up large quantities of food at a time. Their feeding behavior actually leaves behind large furrows on the sea bed that can be seen from the surface.

Q. Why is it illegal to water a manatee?

* Watch for large swirls in the water called footprints that may be caused by manatees diving away from the boat. * Dock owners should never feed manatees or give them fresh water. This could teach the animals to approach docks, putting them at greater risk of a boat strike, and it is illegal.

Q. Can I touch a manatee?

While they are lovable, gentle slow moving creatures, manatees are protected by state and federal law. You can watch them all you want, but you can’t touch them. You cannot feed them, molest them, harm them, touch them or pursue them. According to the FWC website, in Florida there are an estimated 6,000 manatees.

Q. Is it dangerous to swim with manatees?

Manatees are calm and peaceful marine mammals that pose no danger to swimmers. In fact, they are curious animals that enjoy human interaction and are quite happy to relate with and be around humans. Manatees are not known to attack or harm anything. …

Q. Are manatees cuddly?

Manatees might look cuddly, but resist giving them a hug. Touching, disturbing, or otherwise harassing these protected creatures can get you a citation. Practice good manatee manners and chill with them in the warm waters of the springs.

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