What does demodocus represent in the Odyssey?

What does demodocus represent in the Odyssey?

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Explanation: In Homer’s “The Odyssey,” , Demodocus is a blind poet or storyteller who often visits the court of Alcinous, king of the Phaeacians on the island of Scherie. During Odysseus visit on Scherie, he sings three narrative songs, two of which make Odysseus remember his sorrow and cry.

Q. What effect does the song sung by the Harper demodocus have upon Odysseus?

Odysseus weeps when Demodocus sings his songs about the Trojan War. When the blind bard Demodocus entertains the court of Alcinous, the assemblage enjoys the tales he tells and appreciates his beautiful singing. Unfortunately, the subject of the first and third performance is Odysseus himself during his time in Troy.

Q. How does Odysseus react to the first song of demodocus?

As we saw from the verses I quoted in the last posting, Odyssey 8.83–92, Odysseus is inwardly sad when he hears Demodokos sing for the first time. He reacts to the song by weeping (86) and lamenting (92: goân) while veiling his head with a massive cloak and thus hiding from the Phaeacians his true feelings (83–86).

Q. Why does Odysseus cry while the bard is singing?

During the feast Demodocus sings about the disagreement between Odysseus and Achilles at Troy. Everyone enjoys the singing except for Odysseus who bursts into tears because of the pain and suffering of which the song reminds him.

Q. Is there any significance that demodocus is blind?

It is believed he was a blind bard, making a living by singing of the trials and tribulations of the upper class citizens. To Book 8 however, he is important because of Odysseus’ response to his song.

Q. What God is Odysseus enemy?

Poseidon God

Q. What does Odysseus say is the result of eating the lotus?

What does he understand that his men do not? When they arrive in the land of the Lotus Eaters, Odysseus sends out a total of three men (2 men and a runner) to explore the island. These three men eat the Lotus and lose “their hope of home,” which means they forget about their entire goal: to go back to Ithaca.

Q. What is the effect of eating the lotus?

The Lotus plant is very powerful. It causes those who eat it to forget: The plant Lotus caused anyone to eat the flower or seeds to forget who he was, and his only interest was to eat more of the plants. The Lotus plant is so powerful until Odysseus had to force his crew back on the ship.

Q. Why is Odysseus opposed to the eating of Lotus?

Odysseus is opposed to eating the lotus fruit because he sees the effects that it has on his crew members: it makes them forget how badly they want to return home to Ithaca and their families, and they only want to stay in the Land of the Lotus Eaters.

Q. Why doesn’t Odysseus respect the Cyclops?

Why doesn’t Odysseus respect the Cyclopes? They are lawless creatures with no sense of community and no drive to cultivate the land. In lines 91-92, what does Odysseus’ metaphor imply about the Cyclops? He is huge and alone, like a mountain.

Q. Why didn’t Odysseus want to steal the Cyclops cheese and leave the cave?

Odysseus is displaying a bit of bravura in front of his men, too. They suggest stealing some of the sheep and goats and cheeses, but Odysseus, their leader, does not allow them. Odysseus wants to prove that he is brave enough to face the huge, lawless Cyclops, and claim a customary guest-gift.

Q. Why didn’t Odysseus listen to his crew and take the supplies and leave before the Cyclops came home?

Why does Odysseus refuse to leave the cave of the Cyclops? He wants to meet the Cyclops and get a gift from him, so they sleep with ship in the cave and see what he has to offer. What character trait is shown by Odysseus when he refuses to leave the cave? He shows curiosity, stubbornness, and arrogance.

Q. Why does Athena reveal herself to Nestor?

How does Athena reveal herself to Nestor and all those present? She turns into an eagle and Nestor feels like he can be protected. Everyone present made their sacrifices to the gods.

Q. What God did Odysseus offend by injuring the Cyclops?

Cyclops Polyphemus

Q. What made Poseidon so angry with Odysseus?

Poseidon was furious with Odysseus and his crew because they blinded his son, the cyclops Polyphemus.

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