When was ur excavated?

When was ur excavated?

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Q. Who is the excavator of Ur?

Sir Charles Leonard Woolley (17 April 1880 – 20 February 1960) was a British archaeologist best known for his excavations at Ur in Mesopotamia. He is recognized as one of the first “modern” archaeologists who excavated in a methodical way, keeping careful records, and using them to reconstruct ancient life and history.

Q. What was called Ur?

Ur was a city in the region of Sumer, southern Mesopotamia, in what is modern-day Iraq. According to biblical tradition, the city is named after the man who founded the first settlement there, Ur, though this has been disputed.

PeriodsUbaid period to Iron Age
Site notes
Excavation dates1853–1854, 1922–1934

Q. Who destroyed Ur?

the Elamites

Q. Is ur a real word?

Ur is defined as original. An example of ur used as a prefix is ur-civilization, the beginning of a civilization. An example of ur used as a prefix is in the word urlanguage, meaning the original language.

Q. What’s the difference between your and Ur?

The main difference between Your and Ur is that the Your is a personal pronoun to denote the interlocutor and Ur is a archaeological site in Iraq. The pronoun you is the second-person personal pronoun, both singular and plural, and both nominative and oblique case in Modern English.

Q. What is full form Ur?

UR – Unreserved category. Forward caste, referred to as General Class or General Category or Open Category is a word used in India to describe a caste system whose representatives are socially and economically on average ahead of other Indians.

Q. Is BC and general same?

Bc (backward caste) comes under OBC category i.e other backward class which is collective term used by government of India to classify caste which are educationally or socially disadvantaged. …

Q. Is ur same as general?

there is no difference between the category of unreserved candidate and ews candidate both are belongs to the general category but in general category the candidate who annual family income is less than 8 lakh is belongs to ews category.

Q. What is OBC full form?

Other Backward Class (OBC) is a collective term used by the Government of India to classify castes which are educationally or socially disadvantaged. It is one of several official classifications of the population of India, along with General Class, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (SCs and STs).

Q. Which caste is SC ST?

The Scheduled Caste (SCs) and Scheduled Tribes (STs) are officially designated groups of people in India. The terms are recognised in the Constitution of India and the groups are designated in one or other of the categories.

Q. Is Yadav SC or OBC?

Classification. The Yadavs are included in the Other Backward Classes (OBCs) category in the Indian states of Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Delhi, Haryana, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Odisha, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, and West Bengal.

Q. Which is the lowest caste in India?


Q. What is ur called today?

Ur, modern Tall al-Muqayyar or Tell el-Muqayyar, Iraq, important city of ancient southern Mesopotamia (Sumer), situated about 140 miles (225 km) southeast of the site of Babylon and about 10 miles (16 km) west of the present bed of the Euphrates River.

Q. Are SC ST Hindu?

Under the constitutional order, 1950 as amended in 1990, SCs can be only from Hindus, Sikhs and Buddhists while STs can be from any of the religions.

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When was ur excavated?.
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